Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Know...

I know... why haven't I posted in a month? You know, I'm asking myself the same question. I guess I have been really busy lately with school... eww.
Well obviously you have heard that Kristen Stewart will play Bella in Twilight the movie. I don't know if I should be happy or not... I mean, she is a good actress and all but I really thought Emily Browning would have been best to play Bella... *sigh* Still I am glad they didn't pick a stupid actress, at least the one they did pick has talent.
On other news... Winter Break is coming up... THANK GOD. No school for 3 weeks! That is going to be so happy. :D
I want to change my song on here soooo badly... but I'm still trying to figure out what I should change it to... *faints* I'm getting kind of tired of this one, it just keeps playing over and over in my head; time for a change.
I need some entertainment... hmmm... I know!


2 minutes later....

Okay now I'm listening to music, yayz!


I'm still bored.

You know what I hate... when people say "bestie" as in saying that their best friend is their bestie.
THAT IS SO STUPID. Okay, it just bugs me really bad. Yeah I know I'm being random.

Well I guess I should go.

Peace to all, and to all

Haha Just kidding.

And for what Anonymous would say: "Just smile and be happy" =P

~JuST anOthER FacE iN tHe CroWD or Wings-03

(Whatever you call me) GOOD NIGHT!