Friday, June 13, 2008


So, I am still not done updating my blog but I felt I should post something new. ^^; Sorry for taking so long guys... it's just been a long summer. I really need to get back on track, it's kind of hard because blogger is being stupid and the server is going slow for me.
Anyway, I have been so into music lately... I keep finding new music. It's so fun! I enjoy it and it makes me happy. :]
In other news, I'm going to out of town and I don't know where I'm going. ^^; I can't wait though... I have been out of school for almost a month and I NEED to get out of here. XD
I will try to find new awesome music for this blog and it's going to look so...uhhh... VINTAGE! X3 It's going to look frickin sweet let me tell ya. XP
I know I haven't been on Blogger a lot and I am terribly sorry... I will try my best to get on and we will have a hell of a good time! Wahahaha!
See all of you LATERZZZZZZ!

Oh... you can also catch me here:
My email is in my profile also. ;]